The Harkness Rose Company, renowned British Rose Breeders since 1879, are pleased to announce the launch of The Rob Burrow MND Rose in conjunction with the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association.
This stunning rose will be officially launched at the Hampton Court Flower show and every rose sold will generate £2.50 to go towards the MND Association.
Rob was diagnosed with MND in December 2019. Since then he has used his profile to shine a light on the devastating disease, teaming up with other sportsmen including Doddie Weir and Stephen Darby to raise awareness and call for more research into the disease.
MND is a fatal, rapidly progressing disease which affects the brain and spinal cord. It attacks the nerves that control movement and eventually leaves people unable to move, communicate or breathe. It kills a third of people within a year of diagnosis and half within two years. There is no cure.
Philip Harkness, Chairman of the Harkness Rose Company said: “This is a charity close to my heart so I am delighted to be bringing this variety to market. This beautiful saffron yellow rose has a compact, bushy growth habit making it suitable for both small and generous spaces. It will also thrive in a large pot.”
Richard Parris, Corporate Development Manager at the MND Association said: “Since Rob Burrow announced his diagnosis of motor neurone disease, the MND Association has been overwhelmed at the creative and unique fundraising ideas in his name, and this is certainly no exception! Not only will Rob’s rose look wonderful in any garden, but it will help raise awareness of MND and enable the MND Association to continue to provide vital support to people affected by MND in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.”
Rose Information:
The Rob Burrow MND Rose is a bushy upright plant with glossy toothed foliage. As the buds form they are tinged with a delightful light green before they burst into a stunning saffron yellow colour. The floribunda blooms will brighten up any corner of the garden and coupled with its lovely myrrh scent, it is a stunning variety. Perfect for growing in a large pot or in a border.
Height/Spread: 90x60cm
Rose Type: Bush Rose/Floribunda
Fragrance: Medium
Blooms: June-October
£2.50p from the sale of each rose will be paid to the MND Association (a registered charity in England and Wales (charity number 294354).
The rose is available to order now at or