Reflecting on our week at Chelsea Flower 2023 and we are all still in awe of how amazing it was. This year we were pleased to win a Silver-Gilt Medal and launch five brand new roses to the market.
On press day the celebrities were out in force and The Menopause Charity Rose was really catching the eye of all on its launch day. We had Liz Earle, Michelle Griffiths Robinson, Dr Radhika Vohra and Jenny Haskey of The Menopause Charity on the stand to talk about menopause. Take a look at some of those that joined us.
We also launched Sense & Sensibility, Dr. Susan Michaelis, Rosemary Day and Margarette Golding roses.
The stand, of course looked amazing and on the public days it was great to see everyone admiring the roses.
At the show we also launched two other roses that are not for general sale. These were for Sultanate of Oman.
Thank you to all of those that came to see us and we look forward to seeing you all at Hampton Court Flower Show.