The Harkness Rose Company, renowned breeders and growers of exquisite British roses for over 140 years, proudly introduces The Official Duke of Edinburgh Rose. This special rose variety pays tribute to the late Duke of Edinburgh, the longest-serving consort in British history. As a heartfelt gesture, a portion of the proceeds from each rose sale will contribute to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Living Legacy Fund, continuing his legacy of empowering young individuals.
The Official Duke of Edinburgh Rose is a breath-taking creation, featuring deep pink petals that shimmer with hints of light red. Its captivating beauty serves as a fitting homage to HRH Prince Philip, who sadly passed away on April 9th, 2021. Throughout his life, the Duke of Edinburgh was an inspiration and dedicated advocate for young people. Sixty-five years ago, he established The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, a program that has transformed the lives of countless individuals.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is an extraordinary achievement, empowering young people to believe in themselves, face challenges head-on, pursue their passions, and uncover hidden talents. By participating in the awards, millions of young individuals have proven their readiness to tackle any obstacles that come their way. They emerge stronger, more confident, and limitless in their potential.
The introduction of The Official Duke of Edinburgh Rose not only commemorates Prince Philip’s profound impact but also serves as a symbol of hope, resilience, and growth. This rose represents the enduring spirit of young individuals as they embark on their own personal journeys of self-discovery and development.
By selecting The Official Duke of Edinburgh Rose for your garden, you not only adorn your landscape with a stunning floral masterpiece but also contribute to a noble cause. Your support helps to empower and uplift the next generation, enabling them to thrive and reach their full potential.
Let the beauty of The Official Duke of Edinburgh Rose remind us of Prince Philip’s unwavering dedication to youth development and inspire us to carry his legacy forward. Together, we can make a difference, nurturing the aspirations of young individuals and fostering a brighter future for all.
Speaking about the rose, Managing Director Philip Harkness said: “We are thrilled to introduce this brand-new commemorative rose to remember the remarkable life of The Duke of Edinburgh. In buying this rose you will also be giving one million more young people the opportunity to do their DofE award, so not only is this rose spectacular to look at, but you will also be raising funds for a very worthy cause”.